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More than Muses - Female creative power in the Golden Age

Tabea Schwartz

More than Muses - Female creative power in the Golden Age

Price: € 19.95
Format: CD
Label: Challenge Classics
UPC: 0608917200171
Catnr: CC 720017
Release date: 18 April 2025
1 CD
€ 19.95
Challenge Classics
Catalogue number
CC 720017
Release date
18 April 2025

About the album

Female creative power in the Golden Age: Music around Adriana vanden Bergh, Leonora Duarte and Madeleine Phalèse.
Almost 400 years ago, Amsterdam and Antwerp entered a Golden Age of art and music whose beauty still resonates today. Following the perspectives of three young women (a recorder virtuoso, a composer and a publisher), More than Muses presents a unique soundscape of this cultural flourishing. There is no evidence of a direct meeting between the three women. However, they moved in similar circles and there is evidence that they had common acquaintances. The main common denominator in their biographies is and remains music. Adriana, Madeleine and Leonora are representative of those whose biographies and music have yet to be fully discovered. All three of them contributed considerably to the cultural flourishing of the 17th century – they truly were more than muses.

Weibliche kreative Kraft im Goldenen Zeitalter: Musik rund um Adriana vanden Bergh, Leonora Duarte und Madeleine Phalèse.

Vor fast 400 Jahren erlebten Amsterdam und Antwerpen ein Goldenes Zeitalter der Kunst und Musik, dessen Schönheit bis heute nachhallt. Aus der Perspektive dreier junger Frauen (eine Blockflötenvirtuosin, eine Komponistin und eine Verlegerin) präsentiert More than Muses eine einzigartige Klanglandschaft dieser kulturellen Blütezeit. Es gibt keine Belege für ein direktes Zusammentreffen der drei Frauen. Sie bewegten sich jedoch in ähnlichen Kreisen und es gibt Hinweise darauf, dass sie gemeinsame Bekannte hatten. Der wichtigste gemeinsame Nenner in ihren Biografien ist und bleibt die Musik. Adriana, Madeleine und Leonora stehen stellvertretend für diejenigen, deren Biografien und Musik noch vollständig entdeckt werden müssen. Alle drei trugen wesentlich zur kulturellen Blüte des 17. Jahrhunderts bei – sie waren wahrhaft mehr als Musen.


Tabea Schwartz (recorder)

Tabea Schwartz is inspired in her artistic work by the tonal diversity of the recorder in the musical languages from the Middle Ages up to the present day. She has performed throughout Europe as a soloist and in various ensembles as well as co-founding her own concert series, ReRenaissance. Her creative focus lies in the music of the Baroque and Renaissance periods, occasionally complemented by fruitful collaborations with composers. Tabea Schwartz also expresses her artistic versatility and professional joy of playing through her cultivated multi-instrumentalism with her second instrument, the viol. The sound of the bowed instruments complements that of the wind instruments in a special way and promotes a depth in understanding of the music from different perspectives. This...

Tabea Schwartz is inspired in her artistic work by the tonal diversity of the recorder in the musical languages from the Middle Ages up to the present day. She has performed throughout Europe as a soloist and in various ensembles as well as co-founding her own concert series, ReRenaissance. Her creative focus lies in the music of the Baroque and Renaissance periods, occasionally complemented by fruitful collaborations with composers. Tabea Schwartz also expresses her artistic versatility and professional joy of playing through her cultivated multi-instrumentalism with her second instrument, the viol. The sound of the bowed instruments complements that of the wind instruments in a special way and promotes a depth in understanding of the music from different perspectives. This in turn inspires her to create unique concert programmes, for which she also undertakes research and musical direction. Her ensemble Vernon Consort brings together players from seven different countries, united by their interest and expertise in authentic expressivity when performing 17th century music.


Filipa Meneses (violone)

Giovanna Baviera (bass viol)

Caroline Ritchie (bass viol)

Elizabeth Rumsey (tenor viol)

Niels Pfeffer (theorbo)



Play album Play album
‘T uitnemend kabinet: Capritie
(Peter Luidhens) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Der Gooden Fluyt Hemel: Kits Allemande
(Paulus Matthysz) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Sonate e Canzoni Libro 6: Canzon à 4
(Giovanni Battista Buonamente) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Le Nuove Musiche: Amarilli mia bella
(Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Septiesme livre: Amarilli mijn schoone
(Anonymous) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Der Fluyten Lust-hof: Amarilli mia bella met 2
(Jacob van Eyck) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Il quarto libro de varie sonate: Sonata Ottava sopra l’Aria è tanto tempo hormai
(Salomone Rossi) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
‘T uitnemend kabinet: Fantasia Adriana van den Bergh
(Pieter Dirckszoon Pers) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Sinfonia à5: Sinfonia Terti toni
(Leonora Duarte ) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Symphoniae: Symphonia 3
(Nicolaus a Kempis) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Fasciculus dulcedinis: Sonata Quinta
(Philippe van Wichel) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Der Fluyten Lust-hof: Daphne
(Jacob van Eyck) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Fasciculus dulcedinis: Sonata Quarta
(Philippe van Wichel ) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Sinfonia à5: Sinfonia Decimi toni
(Leonora Duarte) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Oude en Nieuwe Boerenlieties: Cecilia
(Anonymous) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Livre 7: Maeck freucht / Cecilia voll deucht
(Dirck Janszoon Sweelinck) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Sinfonie Boscarecie: Symphonia 16 La Granciflora
(Marco Uccellini ) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
Sinfonia à5: Sinfonia Secondi toni
(Leonora Duarte) Tabea Schwartz, Giovanna Baviera, Caroline Ritchie, Elizabeth Rumsey, Filipa Meneses, Claire Piganiol, Niels Pfeffer
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